Creating Lasting Leadership: The Keys to Growing Your People, Your Performance and Your Profit May 22, 2018 - EVENT NOW 4U

Creating Lasting Leadership: The Keys to Growing Your People, Your Performance and Your Profit May 22, 2018

Creating Lasting Leadership: The Keys to Growing Your People, Your Performance and Your Profit

May 22, 2018


Leadership isn’t something you do; it’s someone you become. Leaders who are able to sustain their position and achieve measurable results for more than just 2-3 years, have one thing in common – they’re more than competent at the essential people skills necessary. In this course, participants will discover the 5 Transformational Skills that earn them the right to be followed. Lasting leadership is not about more money or even more authority. It’s really about influence: the influence that results in associates and employees wanting to follow your lead because of the person you have become.

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