Leadership Redefined: Engagement, Ownership, Results August 21, 2018 - EVENT NOW 4U

Leadership Redefined: Engagement, Ownership, Results August 21, 2018

Leadership Redefined: Engagement, Ownership, Results

August 21, 2018


Competitive, challenging and constantly shifting – that is today’s marketplace! It calls for a new style of leader. One that has the ability to see the big picture. Understand external trends. Implement strategy with one-hand tied behind your back. To succeed you need to be that rare leader who can stay razor like focused while remaining flexible enough to seize new opportunities.
Let’s face it – success today has changed. And as leaders we need to redefine how we lead if we want to survive let alone win in this new competitive landscape. The biggest challenges your facing as a leader, are not the traditional ones like competition, technology or regulation. No the biggest challenges your facing are using out-of-date strategies, tools and techniques. Leadership strategies that were designed for a very different marketplace, a very different competitor and a very different type of employee.
It is time to redefine how we lead, and create a culture that inspires ownership at every level in order to drive results at every turn. Your greatest competitive advantage in today’s marketplace is the engagement level of your employees. The rules have changed and employee engagement trumps customer engagement … every single time! In today’s marketplace, the relationship you build with your employees is more important than the relationship you build with your customers.
Think about it! In today’s highly competitive and fast paced world, it is not your products or services that are growing your bottom line it’s the experience your customers tweet about. Your path to profitability and business growth is through the customer experience. Your customer’s experience is dependent upon your leadership skills to fully engage your team.
In this innovative program you’ll discover the cutting-edge strategies it takes to succeed in today’s economy!
Session includes: Seminar, Breakfast, Lunch, Parking, and Supplementary learning resources.

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