The 7 Hiking Trails You Should Know in Ojai, California - EVENT NOW 4U

The 7 Hiking Trails You Should Know in Ojai, California

The 7 Hiking Trails You Should Know in Ojai, California:

Rainbow and clouds over mountains

When the downtown district of Ojai, California fills with shoppers, art enthusiasts, spa goers, and Los Angelenos looking to get out of the city for a few days, the hiking trails scattered in and around Ojai allow explorers to escape jockeying for a parking spot, swiping their credit card, and caring whether their vintage jeans are garnering envy.
If you’re such an explorer, head to Ojai to fill your schedule with swimming holes, wild flowers, water falls, nature-carved rock sculptures, an occasional skinny-dipper sighting, and so much more. You could spend a lifetime traversing these trails and not see it all. Here are the seven hikes that need to be on your radar next time you and your hiking boots tromp into town.

  • 01of 07

    Shelf Road


    This unpaved road, offering prime views of the Ojai Valley, is the go-to spot for friends on a “walk and talk” date, trail runners, and parents who want safe and easy terrain to meander with their menagerie of animals and small humans.
    This is the only footpath in Ojai that provides regular glimpses of the totality of the valley, so bring your camera! You’ll have ideal set ups for panoramic shots at the scenic stops, with obligatory benches, sprinkled on the path. And if all the walking and sightseeing makes you hungry, look out for oranges, tangerines, and avocados that might fall at your feet from the fruit trees lining the way. If you’re walking at a brisk pace, you can get to the end of the trail (Gridley Road) and back in 1 to 1.5 hours.
    Getting There: Drive to the end of North Signal Street in downtown Ojai and park when the road dead-ends at the trailhead.
    Difficulty Level: Easy. 
    Gear: The four essentials — hiking shoes, water, snacks, and sunscreen.
  • 02of 07

    Fox Canyon Trail

    An offshoot of Shelf Road, this hike attracts those who yearn to feel the burn in all the places, and become so immersed in nature the only sounds are their breath, gravel being displaced by their soles, and the occasional sunbathing lizard zipping off a hot rock. Speaking of reptiles… because you’ll be going deep into the mountains, watch out for snakes (which just adds to the fun, right?).
    The biggest bang for your fitness buck lives on this trail, hand built by local volunteers, where ascension is the name of the game — at least the first half of the game as you navigate steep switchbacks. If you don’t mind extra weight in your bag, pack a blanket and picnic supplies to enjoy a rest about 1.5 miles up the path near boulders frequented by ambitious rock climbers. Allot three hours for the full loop, more if you stop for a meal, and less if you’re one of those insane folks who runs the trail.
    Getting There: Follow the directions to reach Shelf Road, and when the trail first curves to...MORE
  • 03of 07

    Piedra Blanca Trailhead


    Hiking takes on a magical and meditative essence on this route. The lack of cell service and ship sized white rocks jutting out of the ground send a long hush through the mind. Many hikers have reported spiritual experiences in this terrain, and others find solace during an emotional upheaval while resting on the massive boulders.
    After walking on a traditional dirt trail for approximately a mile, you’ll have the opportunity to craft your own route as the dirt ends and the white rocks begin. Because your imagination will be required to take over as you navigate the rocks, this hike is both physically and mentally stimulating. You can get to the end of dirt portion of the trail and back in 1.5 hours, but tack on an additional hour if you plan to explore the white hued geology.
    Getting There: Drive up the Maricopa Highway (33) into the Los Padres National Forest behind Ojai and turn right at the sign for Rose Valley. Follow the Rose Valley Road until it dead-ends at a large parking area...MORE
  • 04of 07

    The Second Swimming Hole


    Another Rose Valley favorite, this crisp oasis surrounded by ferns seems better suited for a cartoon movie about fairies than the Mediterranean climate it resides in. Locals in the know have aptly named this spot "the second swimming hole" as it is the second swimmable pool after "the first swimming hole."
    Because this waterhole sits a mile from the Rose Valley parking lot it weeds out weekenders looking for a spot to drag their coolers, BBQ pits, and plastic floats, or those unwilling to put in extra effort to spot the cairn indicating the trail offshoot, as this swimming hole isn't visible from the main path. While this seclusion excludes those with lots of stuff, it attracts a different breed of nature-enthusiasts: the skinny dippers. It's not uncommon to find a few bare-bottomed Ojai hippies jumping off the rocks surrounding this pool. Expect a 20-30 minute walk (each way) from the parking lot to the swimming hole, then add a few hours for splashing, diving,...MORE
  • 05of 07

    Ventura River Preserve


    A favorite after school hangout for teens, and parents needing to go somewhere easy to let their tots get some energy out. After a few good rains, this trail ends in a swimming hole where it’s common to see kids leaping off boulders into frigid water, and families posted up with coolers and no where else they'd rather be. This is a great choice for those that consider themselves more recreational walkers than hard-core hikers.
    Because of the accessibility of this path you’ll likely have many opportunities to commune with Ojai locals and get to know the spirit of the people while you connect with the spirit of the land. Expect the walk to take 15-20 minutes, each way.
    Getting There: Park in the lot for The Riverview Trailhead located on Rice Road, just South of El Roblar. Follow the trail until you hit water, or a dry creek bed (that’s still fun to explore).
    Difficulty: Easy. Beyond the initial decent from the parking lot, this hike is simple. But, if you find water, be wary of slick...MORE
  • 06of 07

    Matilija Canyon Trail


    This hike has a Celtic-hobbit-mystic vibe. It’s believed this canyon is rich with mysterious energy and Native American spirits that impact folks in different ways. Whether you desire it or not, this journey evokes introspection, making it ideal for meditation or writing breaks.
    A cage of peacocks near this trailhead creates an eerie mood. These creatures are so loud, and the canyon so apt at producing echoes, the voices of the peacocks may follow you through your journey.
    You can make this hike as long or short as you want. A hike to the falls is around 14 miles round trip (start early in the morning if this is your destination), but you can customize the length by just turning around when you like and retracing your steps.
    Getting There: Head up the Maricopa Highway (towards Rose Valley) and turn left on Matilija Canyon Road. Follow the road until it ends at the trailhead.
    Difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This hike gets harder the farther you go. If you want a breezy walk, go 1.5 miles then...MORE
  • 07of 07

    Cozy Dell Loop


    A lightly trafficked trail (at least on week days), you’ll find an abundance of silence and wildlife sightings on this hike. Cozy Dell’s proximity to downtown Ojai makes it a prime choice for an early morning hike before returning to town and dipping into the diverse cultural offerings.
    The wildflowers, tall grass, and mountain views laced into this walk seem to evoke a timeless essence that makes even the most harried amongst us slow down and take in the awesome power of our natural environment. The 3.6-mile loop is commonly done in two hours.
    Getting There: Take the Maricopa Highway (33) 3.3 miles North of Ojai and park in a turnout on the left side of the road near the Friends Ranch Packing House.
    Difficulty: Moderate. While this hike is fairly quick, you’re walking up hill for at least half of the walk.
    Gear: The four essentials, extra water (especially if you’ll be hiking around noon), and observant eyes to keep a look out for poison oak.

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